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Ballet- and Pilates-inspired workouts are great if you want to build long, lean “beauty” muscles, but thanks to CrossFit, I’ve grown to appreciate the glamour of women who deadlift, pull up and muscle up — and not because the effort will shrink them into perfectly tiny packages of female beauty. No offence to pliés and jetés, but lifting heavy stuff is a rush. I track how many reps I complete , and you do everything from Olympic-style lifts  to gymnastics to rowing, skipping and sprinting—all the while giving it everything you’ve got. 


Ballet- and Pilates-inspired workouts are great if you want to build long, lean “beauty” muscles, but thanks to CrossFit, I’ve grown to appreciate the glamour of women who deadlift, pull up and muscle up — and not because the effort will shrink them into perfectly tiny packages of female beauty. No offence to pliés and jetés, but lifting heavy stuff is a rush. The workout changes every day, and you do everything from Olympic-style lifts to gymnastics to rowing, skipping and sprinting—all the while giving it everything you’ve got.


Ballet- and Pilates-inspired workouts are great if you want to build long, lean “beauty” muscles, but thanks to CrossFit, I’ve grown to appreciate the glamour of women who deadlift, pull up and muscle up — and not because the effort will shrink them into perfectly tiny packages of female beauty. No offence to pliés and jetés, but lifting heavy stuff is a rush. The workout changes every day, and you do everything from Olympic-style lifts to gymnastics to rowing, skipping and sprinting—all the while giving it everything you’ve got. One of the biggest pluses for me is that CrossFit doesn’t measure fitness using one standard—for example, cardiovascular endurance or how far you can run—but instead defines it according to a combination of factors, including cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and balance. 


Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business.  

– by John Doe, Company CEO

Standard Listings

  1. Large wicker basket
  2. Blue glass vase
  3. Ornamental plant
  4. Vintage Gift Box
  • Large wicker basket
  • Blue glass vase
  • Ornamental plant
  • Vintage Gift Box
  • Large wicker basket
  • Blue glass vase
  • Ornamental plant
  • Vintage Gift Box

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